Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Well... I Did It!!! - Post Princess Weekend Recap :)

I know I'm a little late on this, but I finally can sit down and write up my recap of the Princess 1/2 Marathon weekend. Sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Friday morning, we arrived to Downtown Disney a little earlier than expected, but 7:30am came quickly - and I was finally face to face with my two best running friends Tina and Carol-Lee, and Carol-Lee's friend Dawn. It was real right at that moment...Jeff and I were in DISNEY WORLD - getting ready to RUN! Tina's husband Jim dropped us all off at the expo nice and early. The expo was great - very busy, and at times, a bit overwhelming for me. It's a lot to take in as your first expo, especially with it being your first half marathon. But all in all, it was a great experience!!

Saturday morning was the Royal Family 5k at Epcot. Jeff and I got up around 3:45am, got our costumes on, and headed to the buses for the race. We met up with Tina, Jim, and a few other princesses in Corral D (the corral Tina was in with her neighbors) and we all started together. It was awesome! They had little fireworks for each corral, and music blasting. We jogged, but mostly walked. It was great because we didn't get the chance to visit Epcot as one of our chosen parks, so this gave us an excuse to quickly walk through World Showcase. It was a nice day, more humid than anything. We ended up finishing under an hour, and we all received our medals. I was so proud of Jeff for completing his first ever 5k, and getting his first medal. It was also a great warmup for me for the Princess.

After jumping in the pool and cooling down, changing and getting ready, we headed to Hollywood Studios rockin our new medals. :) We met up with Tina and Jim, went on a few rides (TOT and Aerosmith a MUST!), and then had a really nice dinner at Mama Melrose's. We tried going to Starring Rolls but they close at 4, which I didn't know. I was completely bummed because I've been wanting to try a butterfinger cupcake. Jim was bummed too - evidently, he's a bit of a sweet tooth lol. Regardless, it was an awesome day and we had a lot of fun!

Sunday morning - whew was that an early morning. Even though we got back to the room Saturday night, and I was in bed by 6pm, being up at 3am wasn't the best feeling lol. But somehow, I got up, got myself dressed into costume, ifit belt and all, and ate my peanut butter sandwich.. then we headed to the lobby to the buses. We got to the staging area around 4-4:30am. I do have to say that Disney really needs to research their contracted coach buses. The drivers just don't care if you get there or not, and they drive like they've just learned. We almost rear-ended someone, and I heard another bus full of runners got lost and arrived to the race late. Ridiculous. But that's pretty much my only complaint. I left Jeff around 5am or so, stopped at the port-o-potties (lines were really decent then) and headed to my corral - I walked..and walked..and walked. I totally didn't realize it would be so far away from the staging area lol. But I finally made it to my corral. I somehow pushed my way to the front and waited. We watched all of the other corrals go - fireworks and all.. and then, with time going pretty quickly, it was time for corral G (my corral) to head to the start line. We watched and counted down with the Fairy Godmother, and then we were off for 13.1 magical miles. Jeff was off to the side of the highway watching the start line. Unfortunately, he thought I was in corral H and never saw me go by, though I saw him. I started jogging, and was actually making good time. I got to mile 1 within 14 minutes. It started to get lighter out, but it was so humid. I honestly kept asking myself how I was going to get through 13.1 miles. The longest I've ever gone is 12 miles - in 42 degrees. This questioning was going on just after the first mile.

I would also like to point out that going through the tolls at the Magic Kingdom is a huge tease! I was all excited to see that sign, and stupidly thought we were close to the castle. WRONG! Hahaha. But there were different entertainment stops - such as Lightning McQueen at the racetrack, and the drums at the Ticket & Transportation Center. That's where I saw Jeff again.. I ran by, gave him a kiss, he gave me encouragement, and I was on my way to Main Street! We turned on Main Street right after mile 4.5, and Jeff surprised me by being there. It was really the best feeling to see him along the course cheering me on, and supporting me the entire way. It helped to keep going. After seeing him, I was on my way ... running through the castle for the first time! :) It bottlenecked pretty bad, and I stayed to my right and caught a Fairy Godmother in training. She sprinkled me with pixie dust and told me to keep going. It was so awesome to see the amount of support along the course. :)

After I got through Magic Kingdom, the long stretch of nothing started - it was the worst part of the race. It wasn't too bad. Just a little boring. There were more characters along miles 7-9 than people had mentioned before. Mile 7-8 were the ones that really were difficult to get through. I was alone, and I didn't have any music - the downside to having a new phone and nothing switching over. After mile 9, I started running again. Yeah, by this point, I was walking 98% of the way because the humidity was horrible, and my feet were in absolute pain. Somehow though I kept going. I finally saw mile 10...and the balloon ladies. NOT COOL. I started running again, until I got to the dreaded overpass. That ramp is a BITCH (I know, not very princess-esque of me, but there's no other word for it). The Green Army man was all the way on the left, and I was on the right so that sucked, but you could hear him from the start of the ramp and past. I didn't care for the fact that he was telling all of us this was the last hill we would have to deal with - well..he freaking lied! Mile 11 - the mile NO ONE tells you about! It was another hill. At this point, I saw the balloon ladies, and the flagger, and ended up running to get ahead. Mile 11 almost literally stopped me in my tracks, and at that point, I couldn't see the balloon ladies - because they were ahead of me. And I honestly didn't care anymore. I didn't care if I got swept. I didn't care if I didn't finish. I was in so much pain, and everything was swollen. I nicknamed my hands Wreck-It Ralph hands because they were so swollen. I ran down the hill after struggling to make it up, and they kept saying once you're in Epcot, you're safe -you can't be swept. So I start running towards the ball. After thinking I wasn't going to make it, I finally saw Epcot, and the choir. Hello mile 12! I was finally in Epcot, safe from being swept, and exhausted. I walked..  A LOT. I went from a 14min mile to 17:51min mile. I walked around the ball, and a Cast Member was there telling everyone they had 3/10ths of a mile to go.. to just go. Then I saw the Mile 13 chapter book. From there, I ran.. turned and saw the finish line - stopped quicky to take a picture of it, then ran through the finish line. I threw my hands in the air, thanked God and walked to my medal. I saw Carol-Lee and Dawn cheering for me on the side of the finish line, and ended up seeing Jeff. I grabbed my medal, a food box, a banana, a powerade and a water and ran into Nurys - she waited at the finish line for me too!! It was so awesome to see my fellow Princesses waiting for me and being so supportive! I was shaking, swollen and in so much pain. I wasn't even really proud of myself at that point. I just wanted the pool and something to eat. But I was happy to see everyone waiting for me and being there. It was so amazing. After saying bye to everyone, Jeff and I waited in the long line for the bus, finally got on and I hobbled my way to the pool. On my way, Jeff was taking off my iFitness belt and tutu.. I got there, stripped my compression sleeves, sneakers and socks off and sat in the pool. When they say it's one of the best feelings in the world - it really is! It was amazing! Jeff ran to the room and got my chocolate milk and my pb&j sandwich. I sat in the pool for a little, then made my way up to the room. I took a shower and laid in bed drinking powerade and eating what I could and relaxing. We got ready a little later on, and headed out to the Polynesian for dinner with Carol-Lee and Dawn at Ohana. I was in so much pain, and had the biggest blister ever on my foot, so it was nothing but flip flops for me lol. It was a delicious dinner and sitting down felt amazing! It was the perfect celebration dinner, complete with watching Wishes. :)

I woke up Monday and realized what I just did - I just ran 13.1 miles. I ran 16.2 total in one weekend. I completed my first 1/2 marathon. In Disney. I did it. A year ago, I was heavier, unhealthy, and out of breath. This year, I made my dream, my goal come true. As much as it hurt, and as hard as it was - I can now say I plan on doing it again. I am currently working on my next dream, but in 5 years, I plan on being there for the 10 year anniversary of the Princess 1/2 Marathon. But I'm raising the bar on myself - after the Princess, I'm going to Disneyland and earning my Coast2Coast medal with the Disneyland Half, and if they still have it- participating in the Dumbo Double Dare. I have 5 years to train for all of this, and I'm ready for it. I'm waiting 5 years so I can get the new medal that comes out. But I'm also waiting because my dreams of becoming a mom has now become my priority again. One step at a time.

Completing this 1/2 marathon allowed me to prove to myself that I can do anything I set my mind to. It may be hard. It may be hell. I may want to give up. But I know in my heart, I can do it. So with this plan, I'm going to do the same thing I did to get that medal around my neck - I'm giving it my all. Dedication and commitment is what it takes. That.. and a little Pixie Dust. :)

I also want to take the time to thank those of you who supported me throughout this journey. Without your support and encouraging words, it would've been even harder to make this dream come true.

I'm onto the next adventure, but I'm still going to be strapping my glass slippers on now and again. Running has changed my life.. for the better. And it's an amazing feeling.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year! It's officially 2013, and boy did it come up fast!! I know I haven't been on here in a little while, and that's because it's been very crazy around here. From the holidays, and training, it's been a quick (almost) 2 months to say the least.. but I've enjoyed every quick minute. :)

I'm now in the double digits! That's right - I hit 10 miles this past weekend! It was cold and very windy - with wind gusts that did not feel good. But I did great - the last mile or so felt really long though.. I kept asking how much farther lol. I hope that feeling passes soon - and that I'll enjoy getting to the finish line. I also think with the finish line being in Disney, I'll have no problem reaching it lol.

Training has gotten a little tedious, and really made me feel like I started to dislike running. It gets boring and it's just the same thing over and over again. But at the same time, with every completed run, I'm getting closer to Disney. And now, we're only 48 days away from leaving to head down there. I just need to keep thinking about that. For the first time, I was talking to myself during my run.. telling me that I got this.. I can do it. And I think it helped. I'll probably try again with the 11 mile run I have this weekend. So nerve wracking lol.

I'm excited that we're getting closer to the race - I'm not panicking as much, especially now that I've made it to double digits. And after 11 miles, I definitely know I'll be able to handle 13.1 miles. I keep getting the feeling that once I hit 13.1 - I'll be like ..okay I'm done.. I did it. I made it.. I'm done lol. I just need to get my costume together. I'm excited about that too, and just can't wait to get it all done. :)

Okay, off to get some things done around here.. I'm hoping I'll be posting again before the race.

Until next time.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From One Princess to Another.. :)

Well, here I am again! Except, this time, we're even closer to the Princess! It's unbelievable that there is less than 90 days until we're in Disney World, walking around, and showing off our new bling! The time went by so quickly, and it brings on the feeling of excitement. But for some of us, it brings on an additional, uneasy feeling... that feeling of "Only 90 days?! Crap!"

For me, it's more excitement, and a little bit of nervousness. This is my first half, after all. And I want to enjoy every moment of it, but I also want to be completely prepared in being able to finish it. I think we all put stresses on ourselves to make sure we have good time, and good intervals. But this is training- we're all going to be hard on ourselves. We want to be our best. It's going to be different when we're all there, at the starting line in our corrals. The actual moment we've spent hours, days, weeks, and months training and preparing for. And right there, right at that moment, we'll know that we got this. 13.1 miles is nothing. It's a nice run down the road, characters included. It's pictures, friends, smiles, and fun. All of those torturous runs, those freezing cold runs, the pains and aches, and the injuries will then prove that it's all been worth it.

I am beyond grateful for my fellow Princesses, and my newfound friendships I've developed over these last few months. I am running this race solo, if you want to be specific about it. And I will admit that though I'm very active on the Princess page, I still felt alone. But in the last few weeks, that's changed. I know I won't be alone. I know I'll have my fellow Princesses next to me, ready to have fun, and earn new bling. We'll be there to support each other to the finish line, just we have been all of this time. It's nice to not feel alone in this. To know that we're all in this together, for the same thing. Some of us are quicker, some of us are slower. There are beginner runners, intermediate, and the ones who seem to do every half imaginable (at least in the eyes of the beginners lol), and that doesn't matter. We're all the same. We're Princesses. Whether we're running for ourselves, for a friend, a charity, or whatever.. at the end of the day, we're all Princesses. And at the end of the day, I'm blessed to call you all my friends.

I thank you for every piece of advice, every smile, every sprinkle of Pixie Dust, and every word of encouragement you all have given me. I know I wouldn't have been able to do this without any of you. I'm so happy to share this experience with you all, and I can't wait for the day we blow up the Princess page with pictures of ourselves finally rockin our bling!

As I sit here, 7 miles under my belt - the farthest I've ever gone.. I say Here's to Us - May we continue to have kick ass runs. May we always find comfort and encouragement in one another, and may we all have an amazing time earning our most wanted, most deserved bling!

Keep kicking butt, Princesses!

Love, hugs, and Pixie Dust!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A bump in my Fairytale..

Happy November all!

It's been a crazy week here on the East Coast. Hurricane Sandy hit the coast pretty hard, and recovery is long and painful. And the fact that there is another Noreaster headed this way, it's not looking good. Seeing pictures and video of it really puts a damper on everything. And it really hasn't helped my running.

I know I shouldn't make excuses, or blame the storm for my blahness.. but I really have been just.. blah. I hate this feeling. Ever since I had my wisdom teeth pulled and I took off those 2 weeks, getting back into the swing of things has been a lot harder than I thought. I haven't been able to complete my short runs whatsoever, and I only had one really good long run - which was the Saturday that I cleared myself to run again. Since then, it's gone downill. I really hope this is just a temporary bump in the road.

I want to be positive again. I can get excited like there's no tomorrow over Disney, and thinking about the race. But when it comes to training.. its like a black cloud finds me and makes me so unmotivated. I know I'm harder on myself than I should be, because regardless, I'm doing it. I'm out and up and doing what I need to. But at the end of it all, I always get down on myself and saying that I could've done better. Ah, the mindset of an athlete. It's really awesome lol.

There is 106 days until Jeff and I leave for Princess weekend. That's crazy! I can't believe it's just a little over 3 months to go! I'm just hoping that as it gets closer, and more things are revealed for the race, I'll get even more excited and that'll prompt me to get my motivation back! I need to find my groove again.. I had a really good one going before my stupid surgery lol. Though I did run today, and get 33 minutes in. But I wanted to get at least 4 miles in, and I only got in 2.. so eh. But I haven't been able to complete my 30 min runs.. so getting to 33 minutes was good. I ran on the treadmill, and actually ran at least 4-5 minutes before power walking. And my breathing was really good. So I'm wondering if I should just do my short runs on the treadmill knowing that I'll get it done, and then do my long runs outside. But I realized today that I really dislike treadmills now.. though it helped me breathe better, and I ran longer.. it's not the same. I like going outside, and training on actual terrain and whatnot. I don't know.. I guess we'll find out Thursday on my next short run.. looking to get 2 more miles in.

Ah well.. off to watch some more Big Bang Theory, and snuggle with my sick puppy. <3

Until next time, Princesses!

PS - If you have some extra motivating Pixie Dust, please send some my way! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Burning Rubber (soles) Once Again.. :)

Hello, my fellow Princesses! Happy Monday! :)

I hope all of you enjoyed your weekend, and had great runs!

I, for one, had a wonderful run! It felt SO GREAT to be back out there! I do have to say, while I was getting stir crazy for those 2 weeks, I really did need the rest. It helped a lot. I wasn't in pain, and I was able to keep the 1:1 interval the entire 4.5 miles. I averaged a little over 14 minutes, which for my first time back out there, is really good!

I will admit, at first, when I saw my average time, I got frustrated. But then I had to remind myself that I did take 2 weeks off, and that I could've done a lot worse. And it can only get better from here! I'm so excited to be running again, and can't wait to get out there tomorrow for my short run.

I do need to find a path/trail that is more flat than what I've been running. I do know that it is affecting my time. There are 2 hills on my path that aren't very forgiving, and there is NO way I can run up them. They're not gradual, either. They just... happen lol. So I'll have to do some research and see where else I can run, though I do love one of the paths. We'll see. It's only going to get prettier, since fall is really starting to kick in around here. I love this time of year!

I also can't believe we're less than 4 1/2 months away from Princess weekend! That's so crazy. It just seems like once I registered, time has decided to fly by. I'm actually okay with that, though. I'm so excited to go, to run, and more than anything, to meet my fellow Princesses! I hope that I'll have a chance to meet up with some of the awesome ladies I've had the blessing to talk to over Facebook.

Everything is slooooowly starting to come together for Princess weekend too! I ordered my tutu, my sneakers, and I already have my tiaras. I'm waiting for the Facebook buttons to come in the mail, and I'll be ordering my skirt soon for the Royal Family 5k. I can't wait for it all to be done, so all I need to do is pack it all up and get moving!

Well, it's time for me to get some things done around here, and get ready to go out to get things for my costume for the Costume 5k I'm doing this weekend with Meaghan! So excited for that too!

Until next time.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Waiting to dust off the glass sneakers...

Okay, I just have to say.. getting your wisdom teeth pulled really sucks!

I had my surgery last Thursday, and it actually went very well. It felt like it only took about 15 minutes from the time I sat down until the time I got home. I really don't remember anything that happened between all of that lol. I wasn't really in pain until Saturday. That was my worst day.

But it's now Tuesday, and I'm still hurting. I'm trying my best not to take my pain medication, because honestly, I hate taking medicine. Especially prescription medication. But I get to that point where I can't fight it anymore, and I have to do something. I'm wondering how long it's going to take for me not to not have pain anymore. It decreases as the day goes on, but it's just an annoying soreness.

The worst thing about my surgery and recovery is the fact that I haven't been able to run. First it was my foot, and then the surgery.. It's been over a week since I've ran and it's honestly driving me crazy. I miss it. I actually miss it. That's something I never thought I would be saying. I was never really meant to be a runner, or at least that's what I thought. And I still do not think I am a runner. I don't know how far I need to go for me to think of myself as a runner. Maybe one day, I'll have an epiphany and that'll change lol.

I plan on getting back into running though, on Saturday, for my long run. It's 4.5 miles. I'm not going to push it. If I have to walk a mile, I'll walk a mile. I just want to get back out there. I have to remind myself that my long runs are not about time. I think that's my biggest fight with myself.. I'm all about time for some reason. I guess the fact that I have to maintain a 16 min mile is drilled into my head. I want to finish. I don't want to get swept. I want to have time for characters and all of that. But it's not something I should be really worrying about. I have over 4 months to make it better. My time will get better. I also need to remember too, that restarting means taking it easy..and walking isn't against the law. Besides, I have to get ready for my next couple of 5ks coming up!! I'm so excited! :)

Okay.. off to take my antibiotics, and rest. I can't wait for Saturday lol.

Until next time my fellow Princesses!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Time to fight my own Evil Queen...

Happy Monday! Happy 1st of October!

I can't believe it's October already. I absolutely LOVE this time of year! I wait all year for my hoodies and my uggs, and we finally have the perfect weather to break both out. :)

I've also experienced running in cooler weather. I really enjoyed it. I wore a long sleeve tech shirt, and it was perfect. I ran my long run on Saturday.. 3.5 miles. That's the farthest I've ever ran before, so I was pretty proud of myself. I hit 2 miles in 27 minutes and was feeling great. And then it happened. I turned around to complete my run, and I hit the wind. Hard. The 3rd mile felt like it took forever. But I completed it. I finished. And that's all that matters. Though at the time, I didn't feel that way. I was a little upset with my time, until I was reminded that I finished. Who else got up early on a Saturday to run?

I have to remind myself of that when I don't feel like getting out on my running days. Or on the days where my timing isn't where I want it to be. All that matters is that I finish. I mean, it's that simple. That is my goal for the Princess. My only goal. So why am I putting so much pressure of being this runner that I'm not (yet)? Why am I making myself miserable by judging myself on time? Time isn't going to matter to me in February. What's going to matter to me is that I have fun, I meet my fellow Princesses, I have fun, I meet characters, I have fun, I FINISH, and oh, did I mention have fun?

I always do this to myself. I put these unrealistic pressure on myself to be better. And yes, in the long run, it works. I get better. I push myself to do what I need to do to enjoy myself later on. I mean, I won't let myself go to the point where I say "yeah, I really don't need to do this.." and just slack off. I will push myself enough. I think I need to figure out where "enough" really is. Because I don't want to get myself to the point where I no longer enjoy running. And I will admit that Saturday, on my 3rd mile, I started to dislike running. Because I felt like I was failing. But my mind was only on my time. It wasn't on my distance. It wasn't the hill I had to battle going up. It was the time issue. I really need to get myself off of that lol.

I thought I realized that this training was really all mental back when I registered for the Princess. But as we get closer (just under 5 months.. eeeeeek!), I really am seeing that it's a mental battle. More than ever. I guess because I am counting down. And I am seeing how much time I have left. And it's more pressure on myself. I am truly, my own worst enemy. Hahaha.

On a good note, I am getting better at interval training. I'm doing the 1:1 run:walk ratio, and it's really a good interval for me. If I could only get my breathing down, I'd be set. I have no idea why my breathing has all of the sudden sucked. I guess because I was trained to breathe on a treadmill.. and going outside, is a completely different story. It's definitely not climate controlled outside lol. And especially Saturday, running outside, my nose was running, the wind was in my face. So it's definitely something I need to work on. I know that I'll definitely enjoy running more than I do once I get that down.

Okay, on to go rest my foot, since it's still hurting me. Until next time, my fellow Princesses. :)
