Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello 2013!

Happy New Year! It's officially 2013, and boy did it come up fast!! I know I haven't been on here in a little while, and that's because it's been very crazy around here. From the holidays, and training, it's been a quick (almost) 2 months to say the least.. but I've enjoyed every quick minute. :)

I'm now in the double digits! That's right - I hit 10 miles this past weekend! It was cold and very windy - with wind gusts that did not feel good. But I did great - the last mile or so felt really long though.. I kept asking how much farther lol. I hope that feeling passes soon - and that I'll enjoy getting to the finish line. I also think with the finish line being in Disney, I'll have no problem reaching it lol.

Training has gotten a little tedious, and really made me feel like I started to dislike running. It gets boring and it's just the same thing over and over again. But at the same time, with every completed run, I'm getting closer to Disney. And now, we're only 48 days away from leaving to head down there. I just need to keep thinking about that. For the first time, I was talking to myself during my run.. telling me that I got this.. I can do it. And I think it helped. I'll probably try again with the 11 mile run I have this weekend. So nerve wracking lol.

I'm excited that we're getting closer to the race - I'm not panicking as much, especially now that I've made it to double digits. And after 11 miles, I definitely know I'll be able to handle 13.1 miles. I keep getting the feeling that once I hit 13.1 - I'll be like ..okay I'm done.. I did it. I made it.. I'm done lol. I just need to get my costume together. I'm excited about that too, and just can't wait to get it all done. :)

Okay, off to get some things done around here.. I'm hoping I'll be posting again before the race.

Until next time.


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