Monday, August 27, 2012

If the Sneaker Fits...

Okay, fellow princesses, I have a confession. I've been slacking. Big time. (let the disappointment commence.... okay, time's up).

I haven't ran consistently in a while. Life has pretty much gotten it the way. Is it an excuse? To me, yes, it is. Between my car problems, my husband injuring himself.. and well, it's life. The C25K app is pretty much pointless to me now. I stopped at 4 weeks, and I don't feel like it was helping anyway. So I've decided to start training with the Galloway program, which is specifically made for the Princess.

Thankfully, we still have 6 months to go. And though I don't want to wait that long .. it IS Disney after all.. I'm glad I have all of this time to train. :)

I'm getting back on my clean eating, and even though I just restarted with it today, I feel good, and pretty energized. So as long as I stick with it, I think I'll do just fine. :) I also have a great friend who is running the Princess too.. and she is challenging me. BIG TIME. Which I really love. I need the pushing.. it motivates me more. I just really, really hope I get to meet her in person in Disney! :)

And since I don't think I'll be writing until after this weekend... wish me luck and fun! I'll be "running" my first 5k!! This weekend is the color run! I'm SO excited! It's such an awesome way to kick off my birthday week! I have to go to AC Moore and get a white t-shirt. I want to decorate somehow and put it on there that it's my birthday.. we'll see how it works out lol.

Okay.. I'm off to do some more laundry and start the evening routine. And I promise to post at least one picture from this weekend!

Until next time..

Hugs and kisses to all of the Princesses! :)


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