Friday, August 3, 2012

Just keep swimmi...err... running! :)

Week 2 Day 3 kicked my butt. It is getting easier with the breathing, but since I'm also cross training, my calves are killing me. Ah well, day by day, I know it'll get better. This is just the worst of it. :)

So... we're officially booked for the race! We're staying at All Star Movies, and though we never stayed at a value resort, I'm excited to see how it is. It's like it's official now.. there's no backing out now! I mean, I know technically, if we had to, we could cancel. But I want to keep in my mind that there is no backing out, so that I can't slack off on training. There's just about 203 days left until the race, and I keep getting more and more excited. Especially now, since we're booked, I can start planning our trip. We are planning on going into the parks a couple of the days that we're down there. I wanted to go to the parks after the race, but I figured that all I'm probably going to want to do is grab a bite to eat and hit the sheets for a little bit afterwards. Then, if I have the energy, we'll just go to the boardwalk, or resort hop, since we didn't have the chance to do it on our last trip. But until then, I'm just going to focus on the race itself. :)

I posted a poll on my Facebook page, along with the Disney's Princess Half Marathon group page to see what Princess I should dress up as ... and Snow White won by a landslide (not that big of one..just thought that called for a dramatic announcement lol)! So I'm starting to get things together for my costume. I found the sneakers I want, I contacted someone about a custom tutu being made for me, and then I have to figure out what I'm wearing on my head lol. Then after I shed more pounds, I'll go shopping at Dicks or something and get myself the running gear I need. Ahhh I'm so excited! I really can't wait to cross that finish line and have a medal placed around my neck! :)

I can't say it enough how happy I am that I came across this 1/2 marathon. This is something I'm looking forward to so much! My focus is on getting healthier and crossing the finish line, and my training .. although putting me through a little pain (which I love lol), my endorphins are going crazy. I'm energized, and happy. HAPPY. I love that word. And yes, I do have my bad days, my off days... but who doesn't? I just love how all of this is making me feel, and I will continue to keep kicking my own butt to keep feeling this way.. and then.. the biggest and best feeling of all - will be when I cross that finish line... and I'll finally feel accomplished! I can only imagine the overwhelming emotions that are going to come over me when I do this run. Just thinking about it makes me light up! :)

Alright, enough babbling for now.. I need to go finish the laundry, and grab my protein shake. :)

Until then, my fellow Princesses... have a great weekend! :)


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